Virtual Patio

Innovative solution for managing irregular vehicles

The Virtual Yard is the revolutionary solution to transform the management of irregular vehicles.

Using IoT technology and provided for in the Brazilian Traffic Code, the Virtual Yard expands the physical yards with a system of smart locks with GPS attached to the vehicles, allowing them to be collected at the owner’s home.


  • Efficient management: Improves the management of irregular vehicles, reducing the occurrence of overcrowded physical yards and optimizing public resources.
  • Enhanced blitz: Allows for a more efficient blitz process, reducing capacity limitations and the need for auctions, guaranteeing a reduction in tax defaults such as IPVA and licensing.
  • Environmental gain: Eliminates soil contamination from oil and fuel spills, as well as reducing dengue fever outbreaks.
  • Convenience for the owner: It offers a practical and convenient solution, allowing irregular vehicles to be kept at the owner’s home.

The problem and the impact of the solution:

  • Vehicle fleet: With a fleet of 118 million vehicles, 40% of which are in an irregular situation, Pátio Virtual offers a necessary and effective solution.
  • Vehicle recovery: 85% of vehicles that go to a yard are recovered within a few days, indicating that most of these seizures could be managed more efficiently with the Virtual Yard.

Weaknesses of the traditional model:

  • Overcrowding and lack of yards: Physical yards face overcrowding, resulting in inefficient management.
  • Custody and environmental costs: The custody of vehicles in yards results in high costs and a negative environmental impact due to soil contamination and dengue outbreaks.

Local and agile traffic management

Promotes faster and more efficient management of local traffic.

Optimized public resources

Reduces costs and improves the use of public resources.

Environmental gain

It minimizes environmental impacts, promoting a healthier and more sustainable environment.


It offers greater convenience to vehicle owners, avoiding the inconvenience of collection in physical yards.

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A 100% Brazilian company that since its foundation has been dedicated to offering innovative solutions that promote security and intelligence for cities.
+55 (41) 3056-9900
R. Inajá, 390 - Centro
83324.050 - Pinhais - PR - Brasil
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