Fast and effective solution for weighing vehicles in motion

SafeITS ProW is an HS-WIM(High Speed - Weigh in Motion) device designed for weighing vehicles in motion on the road.

Available in “Statistical Weighing”, “Pre-Selection Weighing” and “Enforcement Weighing” versions, SafeITS ProW is the ultimate tool for efficient and accurate heavy traffic management.


  • Weighing by axle and PBT (Total Gross Weight): Weighs by axle, set of axles and PBT, ensuring accurate and reliable measurement.
  • Vehicle classification: Classifies vehicles based on their characteristics, ensuring detailed traffic management.
  • Dual wheel and side position detection: Available in Pre-Selection and Enforcement versions, it increases the accuracy of identifying infringements.

Vehicle identification

It identifies the make, color and model of vehicles and calculates the average speed per stretch.

Blitz mode

Supports blitz operations, providing support for specific enforcement actions.

Complete integration

Compatible with optical barrier sensors for detecting excess height and scanners for volumetric measurement (vehicle height, width and length).


It integrates with SafeITS, electronic fencing, intelligent video monitoring, traffic noise detection systems, weather stations and pollution control.

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A 100% Brazilian company that since its foundation has been dedicated to offering innovative solutions that promote security and intelligence for cities.
+55 (41) 3056-9900
R. Inajá, 390 - Centro
83324.050 - Pinhais - PR - Brasil
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