Multifunctional, compact and versatile traffic enforcement equipment

SAFEITS is a fixed device, with or without a display, which accurately calculates the speed captured by inductive loops or non-intrusive sensors (microwave sensor).

Monitors multiple tracks with images, videos and customizable parameters. It reads license plates automatically (LPR/OCR), has a wide camera set (rear and/or front) and can be installed in different configurations, ensuring installation flexibility.


  • Monitors multiple tracks simultaneously: Captures high-quality images and videos, allowing for various customizations to meet the specific needs of each client.
  • Automatic license plate reading (LPR/OCR): Equipped with wide-range rear and/or front cameras, SAFEITS automatically reads license plates, ensuring accurate vehicle identification.
  • Monitora ampla gama de infrações metrológicas e não-metrológicas num único equipamento: 
    • Speeding
    • Running red lights
    • Stopping at a crosswalk
    • Driving in an exclusive lane
    • Driving in a lane that is not designated
    • Transit at unauthorized times and places
    • Conversion and return prohibited
    • Driving on cycle paths and lanes
    • Toll evasion
    • Weighing leak
    • Weigh-in-motion (WIM)

Find out more by watching the video:

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Complete integration

It supports integration with HS-WIM dynamic weighing systems, electronic fencing, intelligent video monitoring, traffic noise detection, weather stations and pollution control.

Vehicle identification

It identifies the make, color and model of vehicles, as well as detecting motorcyclists without helmets.

Calculating average speed

Capable of calculating the average speed per stretch, providing even more accurate monitoring.

Blitz mode

Supports blitz operations in support of specific enforcement actions.

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A 100% Brazilian company that since its foundation has been dedicated to offering innovative solutions that promote security and intelligence for cities.
+55 (41) 3056-9900
R. Inajá, 390 - Centro
83324.050 - Pinhais - PR - Brasil
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