Mobile Weighing Operation

Complete mobile solution for checking and weighing vehicles

The Mobile Weighing Operation is a complete solution for weighing vehicles, ideal for inspections on flexible sidewalks, without causing damage to the surface.

Available in a fully portable and robust configuration, the system is designed for mobile vehicle weight monitoring and vehicle categorization, facilitating the efficient generation of infringement notices.


  • Axle weighing and Total Gross Vehicle Weight (GTW): Calculates the axle weight and total gross vehicle weight, providing a reliable measurement for overloading inspections.
  • Prolonged operations: Robust system with a long autonomy time and high IP protection.
  • Complete integration: The solution integrates passage, weight and categorization data for precise and agile inspection.

DVR with 4 cameras

The system includes a DVR with four cameras for visual monitoring, guaranteeing complete image capture of the operation.

Portable and self-sufficient equipment

It has a pair of laptops, a printer, a radio communicator, its own generator and a support structure in the field (tent, table, chair and toilet).

Safety and signaling kit

Includes PPE kit, tools and signs for complete operational safety.


Designed for different pneumatic axle lines, it offers flexibility for weighing different types of moving vehicles.

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A 100% Brazilian company that since its foundation has been dedicated to offering innovative solutions that promote security and intelligence for cities.
+55 (41) 3056-9900
R. Inajá, 390 - Centro
83324.050 - Pinhais - PR - Brasil
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